Corinda Graceville Parish Outside School Hours Care, Corinda
- Address
- 18 Clewley Street, Corinda 4075 Located in the school hall.
- Postal address
- 18 Clewley Street, Corinda 4075
- Directions
- Get directions
- Latitude, Longitude
- -27.538021, 152.982036
- Website
- Phone
- 07 3278 5606
- After hours
- 07 3278 5606
- Mobile
- 0488 785 660
- About
Our service is part of the Corinda Graceville Parish and is situated at St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Hall, Corinda. We provide before school care, after school care and vacation care to support families in our community.
We are fortunate to have our own space which opens out onto the school hall to provide more space for active experiences. We also have a fully equipped kitchen and utilise the schools large undercover area, oval and playground in our program.
This area gives our children, plenty of room to explore and engage in a wide range of sports, gardening, cooking, crafts and many more experiences. During vacation care we also offer a range of interesting excursions and many incursions on site for the children to enjoy. - Services
- Child Care - Outside School Hours Care